Have you ever wondered what generation of gamer you really are? Whether you’re an 80s child trapped in the body of a gen-z teenager, or a 90s millennial who doesn’t share their comrades’ nostalgia about retro games? Well, using the latest scientific technology (a.k.a. Google) and thorough psychological research (a.k.a. general gaming know-how), we’ve devised an extremely accurate* quiz that will tell you exactly what gaming generation you belong in – so let’s do this.
*maybe, kind of, somewhat accurate
What's the first console you remember owning?
Which gaming past-time do you relate to the most?
How would you fix a technical problem?
What kind of games do you play the most?
Do you know what game this is?
Which descriptors best describe your gaming style?
What do you think of new technology?
Why do you play video games?
What Generation of Gamer Are You Really?
Generation Z
You're a new-school gamer who's only experienced Millennium gaming - and that's not a bad thing! You've grown accustomed to the awesome graphics and immersive gameplay of the 21st century and as a result, your expectations are probably pretty high. But that doesn't mean you don't appreciate some of the classics, even though you may never have played them in their original 8 bit glory. Being a young gamer also means you have more time to dedicate to gaming, and you could spend hours every day playing your favourite FPS or MMO.
If you're thinking "why the hell am I here? I'm not a kid" then maybe you're younger at heart than you realised. Whether you're an 80s or 90s child, there's something about new-age technology and unrivalled graphics that has made you favour modern day gaming. Instead of getting stuck in the past, you're growing with the times and would choose the PS4 over the Sega MegaDrive any day of the week.
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What Generation of Gamer Are You Really?
90s Baby
Born in the 90s, raised through the early 2000s and adulting in the present. You're bred from several different gaming cloths. You remember your older siblings' Gameboy Colour and probably played it a few times, too. You love all the immortal classics but probably have never owned a Sega console. You were stoked when Crash Bandicoot was renewed this year and let's not even get started on Spyro.
But you also love the high-res, immersive games that have come out of the Millennium and spend most of your time playing these types of genres (when you're not working or at uni). You like to mix-and-match what you play depending on how you're feeling. You're like the hybrid of retro and new-school gamers - but there's no amount of new technology that will ever replace that feeling you got when you slotted in the cartridge to your Nintendo DS.
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What Generation of Gamer Are You Really?
Old School Gamer
You're in your thirties, or at least play like you are. You love Sega, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Colour and all the immortal classics. These games are so nostalgic, in fact, that you genuinely prefer them to the recent releases of the past few years. For you, nothing beats a good platform game, not even high resolution graphics.
You prefer the simpler times with cheat codes, Rumble Paks and cartridges. These were the golden years of gaming for you, perpetuated by your childhood memories. You find new technology sometimes gets a bit overkill, so when you're not busy working and get an hour or two to play a game, it's usually one of your nostalgic favourites.