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Devlog Roundup: Game Development Updates from February

Devlog Roundup: Game Development Updates from February

Gruesome Zombies, dungeon set pieces, dazzling VFX and awesome sound clips - these are just some of the updates you can expect to see in this month’s devlog roundup. Remember to check us out on Instagram, Twitter or Reddit for daily updates on Depths of Erendorn - now...

DevLog Roundup: Game Development Updates from January

DevLog Roundup: Game Development Updates from January

January was a really busy month for the team working on Depths of Erendorn - and with new animations, set pieces, sound effects, and UI developments, it’s safe to say that we had a productive start to 2021! We also reworked our Cave Dungeons, some old character...

Welcome to our News & Media Hub. Here you will find everything that is being said about Project Gamechanger and our games as well as the latest video and image releases.
